Sports News Content Manages To Get Even Worse
So any long time reader knows my hatred of mock drafts is well documented. I hate this time of year. It gets worse every season, too. The draft has turned into a complete content mill and it is the absolute worst with how it dominates the news cycle for months. It starts before the season is over and goes through garbage phases of early mocks, then NEW mocks as everyone does more in-depth analysis, then HOT TAKE mocks when writers need to get cute to keep interest because it’s only mid-March. Then we get back to the regular honest mocks as writers come to settle into their original opinions again, and now we are entering the nightmare era: useless mocks.
It’s too far away from the draft still to give us serious final mock drafts, but the content sites like Bleacher Report, SB Nation, SI, The Ringer, Barstool, PFT, etc, need to fill that content space and they’ve already mostly overdone it during March. So what do we get? The most useless articles imaginable.
If you read my twitter this might look familiar since I already bitched about it there but I saw an article on SB Nation this week that might be the worst thing I’ve seen yet. Look at this. Someone put the teams in a randomizer, wrote down the order, and did a mock draft out of it.
I have never in my life as a sports blogger, follower, and garbage content creator myself seen something so pathetically useless. This article provides nothing to the world. It is the most worthless piece of content I’ve ever seen. There is absolutely no value here whatsoever. This was written by “Senior NFL News Desk Writer”. SENIOR. This wasn’t even written by one of the poor nobody schmoes that sites like SBN and B/R use to churn out the usual cheap filler. This was written by someone who should have better assignments. I don’t even know who to blame here. Did he pitch it? Did SBN tell him to get something to page to fill an empty slot? SBN does a lot of silly content that doesn’t serve much purpose other than entertainment. This can’t even say that.
Seriously, I’m legitimately angry about this crap. I thought I was kinda over it, because at this point most of the media cycle is familiar to me and everything turns to mush so I can tune most of it. I hate draft season because there is still so much useless crap shoved out there every day that even tuning it out is impossible. But this. What?
I’m just stunned by how little value this article has in any way. There are a few types of general sports content. Important breaking news, which can get away with being sparse on info because the headline is what is important. The rumors, which are mostly stupid but can provide fun speculation and discussion, plus anticipation. Analysis, which is usually valuable reading. Journalism, which is few and far between these days but always worth your time, even if you disagree with it. Farce/Satire, which is normally out there simply to entertain (this is where I would place myself). Then we have the filler. Mock drafts, power rankings, this stuff is the filler. It provides nothing valuable but cheap clicks and attention to the brand. This article, and anything like it, is the lowest of this category.
I can’t figure out who this is for. What purpose does it serve? Mock Drafts, as meaningless as they are, have more purpose than this. They can offer thought experiments and prediction fun. They are a sort of very cheap analysis in some ways. This randomized shit can’t do that, because it is starting from a point of complete irrelevance. This isn’t the draft order. This isn’t how the draft is set up. At least mock drafts start from reality. This does not, so it automatically invalidates everything in the article as utterly pointless. I didn’t even read past the first pick, because why should I? Nothing in this article will be worth my time, or anybody’s time. Anything it might have to say about team needs or prospects is already covered in other mock drafts and analyses, the ones with a basis in reality. The only person who could have gotten remotely anything out of this is the author.
I’m not going to go out and say I provide valuable content here. I’m basically a shitposter most of the time, especially when I did stuff for KSK. I hope every once in a while I get out a good piece of content but generally I’d say a lot of my stuff is fairly disposable in the end and doesn’t say much. But even though I’m not aiming high, my content at least has a purpose to it: to entertain. I can at least claim that. How well it provides entertainment is up to you, dear readers, but every thing I put up here has that ultimate purpose. I don’t even know if this article can claim that. Content needs to inform, entertain, or spark discussion. This article did none of that and seemingly sets out to accomplish nothing. I’ve never seen a piece so fundamentally useless. I struggled with whether or not to even do this comic, because I don’t feel like this thing even deserves your clicks, but DAVE MAD, DAVE MUST YELL AT CLOUDS. I probably spent more time on this attack then the author did taking this dump. Maybe that makes me the true joke here.
Okay, so I’ll give it that. This piece was so worthless it got me mad enough to talk about it. It generated discussion. Fuck me. I just hope we don’t get more like it.
SBN, B/R and the like need to stay on your newsfeeds, so they do stuff like this to keep your eyes on them. It’s part of the cycle, and for the most part I understand and accept that. But to give us a snack that is basically just air, that’s still too much. If you have nothing to say, maybe you can try not saying anything.
If you guys want some true quality content I just re-uploaded all my KSK Dick Logos, so go check out them penises! Not at work. Don’t do it at work.
I think the target audience is the sort of person who follows and reads Barstool Sports unironically, because they’re the sort of braindead arsewipe who’d slurp this content up like it’s going out of fashion
“But to give us a snack that is basically just air, that’s still too much.”
Dave will comment on useless mock drafts but not the state of the chip industry, fore shame dave.
To be honest, this just makes me want to see an even sillier mock draft. Show me what the draft would look like if every team was required to pick an offensive lineman in the first round SB Nation
See, that’s actually kind of entertaining, and offers an insight into offensive lineman rankings. It has more value as an idea than this does.
what if everyone was required to pick a player legally barred from entering the united states?
I don’t even know why they would need to do this. This offseason has been great at providing us with legitimate stuff for the sports media to spin one way and the other until every last bit of meaning has been examined and they can still beat the dead horse for a dozen more articles.
mock draft, but with nba players
mock draft, but with former us presidents
mock draft, but with flavors of ice cream
#1 Mint Chocolate Chip
Trade up for it, Giants. It’s worth it.
Overrated! You’ll get better value if you pick Maple Walnut.
Mint Chocolate Chip is what Gettleman would pick, that’s how bad that pick is.
Butter pecan can be Mr. Irrelevant
Didn’t Ben & Jerry’s do that third one already? 🙂
I’m gonna go with Calvin Coolidge at #1 Overall (he was a much better POTUS than he gets credit for, fought for Anti-Lynching Laws, followed the Constitution even when he disagreed with Prohibition, Was NOT responsible for the Depression contrary to popular belief, that was the Federal Reserve, was not corrupt unlike his predecessor, great model of self restraint.)
keep cool with coolidge
i mean they didnt call the shanties “coolidgeville”
Let’s redo the 1974 Hugo Awards with books that came out in 1991. Get out of here ‘Rendezvous With Rama’! It’s time for ‘Fall of Hyperion’ to shine.
Yes I know ‘The Vor Game’ actually won in 1991, but ‘Fall of Hyperion’ is better, and this is my bullshit content experiment.
I can’t even be arsed to listen to Dari & Mel anymore. Kiper always used to at least make it kinda interesting, but the whole draft speculation thing has vanished so far up its own rectum it’s unreal.
That 06 Draft had no decent long term quarterbacks if I recall. Unless you think you can utilize the potential Vince Young or Jay Cutler had.
Re: dicks
That Cincinnati logo is now in my top-10 of “Most Disturbing Artwork Ever”. Conga rats.
The only way I would ever read a mock draft is if it was written by Jon Bois.
Him and UT.
A bunch of mock drafts doesn’t even make sense. It makes you wonder if the writers watched that certain Kevin Costner movie and thinks this is how it works. Sometimes it defies logic.
This is annoyingly accurate. It seems like before pre-season, and when all trade rumours die down, and things go slower than an Orleans Darkwa run play, literal shit like this fills every news site when talking about football.
Its the worst.