on January 31, 2020
at 12:01 am
Since I kind of already made my prediction blog post on Monday (tl:dr- Rooting Chiefs, expect 49ers) we don’t really have to go into depth here before the game and enjoy our annual puppy puns. SPEAKING OF WHICH:
Daniel Bones
George Kibble
Jimmy Grrrapuppo
Pet Mahomes
Terrier McLaurin
Hunter Renfuzz
Gardner Minshiba
DK Petcalf
Darius Spayton
Jacoby Bassett Hound
Kyler Furry
Bill O’Boofin
Derrick Hairy
Mitch TruBitchsky
Bitchard Sherman
Golden Retriever Tate
Terrell Pugs
Delanie Wanna Go For A Walker
Everson Sniffin
Barker Mayfield
Mason Rudog
Joe Judge of BEST IN SHOW
And here is my own puppy, Fleali Manning:
That dog has way too much hair to be Scott Van Pelt
van pet is the announcer
van pelt is the jumanji villain
the more you know dot jpg
Saquon Barkley
Should’ve made lamar Jackson a Greyhound
To be realistic, he should’ve made him a peregrine falcon. But that’s not a dog
That last panel lol, I think that sums things up.
Cam Neuter
That cat looks like you traced the screenshot of Nic Cage from Vampire’s Kiss and then morphed it into a cat’s face. And that’s pretty much perfect, so if that is what you did, kudos.
Mutt LaFleaur?
Pug Martin?
Chihuahuas are the best dogs
False. Boxers.
Ryan Kennely. The second coming of Harry Barkson if you ask me
Ouch, misclicked and now this comment is really out of context. My bad
Sammy Chihua-watkins….?
(and btw I have a chihuahua and can confidently state that, while cute, they suck at being dogs)
Chihuahuas barely even qualify as dogs.
You misspelled Welsh Pembroke Corgis.
no Harrison Buttsniff?
Dean Pees on the rug
(too easy…?)
Travis Kelpie?
You should be ashamed of yourself for missing
Saquon BARKley
That new walrus comic’s gonna be great!
This… is Borks Center!
Are you gonna do an XFL comic Dave?
The Walrus finally gets his Superbowl. Mahomes pulls off a ANOTHER double-digit comeback — this time in the last eighth of the game after the Niners have a 96% win percentage. Richard Sherman gets owned TWICE, including an epic faceplant as Damien Williams kinda sorta breaks the plane of the goal.
And you want to talk XFL????
Based on my fantasy team: Drew Fleas. Austin Lickler. Dalvin dog Cookie. Kenny GolliSpay. Deebo Spaniel.
No Ruffsel Wilson?