Derek Carr Joins The Money Fight
This comic feels particularly interesting since Carr and Von are situational direct rivals. The money has gone to the AFC West, friends. All of the money.
It feels as if it’a been too long. Literally almost a full year ago was the last installment of Money Wars. We now have money orbital battle satellites and money nukes. I’m trying to pinpoint when the money shark was jumped, but it was probably several money explosions ago.
Derek Carr got hella paid this past week, good for him. Maybe he can use some of that dough to clean up his face and not look like that one frat bro who sells weed near campus. I’m not sure he deserved quite this much yet, but whatever. Carr has basically been hailed the savior and next big generational QB in his short 3 years as a starter. He’s certainly earned the hype so far, and almost led the Raiders to a #1 seed before a tragic death last season. It still feels early to make the dude the highest paid player in history. I probably would have waited till after next year to pay him all the money.
Maybe they were worried about how much his cost would go up then. He just came off of a season ending leg injury. Derek Carr might be the highest paid player, and he still might have been lowballed in some way to capitalize on the obvious future of the franchise while he was in a slightly questionable state. No team wants a Joe Flacco situation, where a dude wins it all right before he’s due to get paid, then creates a years long comic saga of players hitting each other with money.
I think Stafford is the next player due a money fort. I don’t think he deserves what Carr has, but he’ll probably get close.
When Khalil Mack gets paid in 2 weeks, will he attack his own teammate with money sun?
Money Battlestar Galactica, Money Imperial Superdestroyer, Money SDF-1, Money Death Star, Money Death Star 2, Money Starkiller Base, Money Unicron
*highfive* for including Unicron.
I don’t feel that Carr is worth 25 million a year, but with the timing and ever-expanding cap the market is completely fucked, and not just for QBs. Look at what Matt Kalil of all people got paid and he’s been injured, or bad besides an overloved rookie year 5 years ago, and he’s expected to protect Cam, who got knocked silly in game 1 last year and was fucked up ever since, an uncharacteristic move by Gettleman most likely because of the brother connection???
I personally can’t wait for Dak and Zeke to officially flood everything in a few years, that is if they only field Sean “May be glass” Lee on defense.
I like the optical illusion in panel 3, where Russell Wilson appears to be in the background when he is actually in the foreground.
Carr Bomb….lol
I first thought it should be the Carr Bomba after the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuke ever. I still am stubbornly thinking that since obviously the yield is magnitudes larger than a mere car bomb.
David Carr is the Tsar Bomba.
I’ll give you that one. And how bout those Rattlers?
I feel cheated since there’s no dick-shaped cloud. It was perfect
Why isn’t Von Miller farting while he’s laughing
What do you think the lasers are
Why does Andrew Luck have a full head of hair? Come on, man
“I’m trying to pinpoint when the money shark was jumped, but it was probably several money explosions ago.”
This made me laugh far harder than it should have. The real chucklebucket is usually in the comic itself, but thanks for this gem.
I feel like you did not accurately depict Derek Carr’s dreamy eyes and dark eyelashes and sultry look.
Soon it’s going to be like Star Wars.
stafford can be summarized in whole with the word “ugh”