Sean Lee gets hurt
on May 29, 2014
at 12:01 am
Sean Lee already tore his ACL and is out for the season. I guess no one will ever know just how good he is, because he can’t stay healthy for longer than 2 minutes. Sean Lee is Mr. Glass from unbreakable.
Oh well, it’s not like Dallas was going to have a good defense anyway.
This is clearly Romo’s fault, like every other problem in Dallas.
i loved Unbreakable.. which seems to be a rare
::drink!:: Hot damn , a reason to start drinking early!
Reminds me of Bob Sanders. Transformational, game changer at the position, but about as durable as an ice swan. Sucks when an elite player never fulfills their potential because of injuries.
Looks like Dallas is gonna struggle again this year.
Is this the first wordless Draw Play? (hovertext/sound effects/sexy rexy aside)
4th straight 8-8 season, ahoy!
They’ll be lucky if they even get that many wins.
::glug glug glug glug glug::
Reminds me of the Austin Collie drawing. Still pretty funny.