There is no proper comic for Thursday, it was meant to be my April Fools comic and I had a very big project due for my KissingSuzyKolber work to finish. Saturday will update normally. I made designs and teams for Game of Thrones, check it out!

April Fools! Thanks for the guest comic, Spilly

If Football is Handegg, then Soccer is Divegrass. Basketball is FlopDunk, Hockey is IcePunch, and Baseball is CrotchGrab.

Boxing is ConcussionGlove
UFC is BloodOctagon
Golf is NatureWalk
Tennis is NetSmack (Thanks Clarificator)
Nascar is LoopZoom
Bowling is DrunkPin
College Football is IndenturedServitude Hangegg
Fishing is HookBite
Running is FootPain
Cycling is DopeWheels
Raquetball is PrisonTennis
Badminton is ShuttleCock
Hunting is GoAmerica
Waterpolo is WhoCares
E-Sports is SmellyNeckbeard
Archery is Woodguns
Rock Climbing is Suicide
Handball is DoubleEntendre
Sailing is TriangleBoat
BodyBuilding is OilPose
Poker is BlankFace