Useless Stats
on November 21, 2013
at 12:01 am
Seriously, where do they find these facts? Is there some legion of ESPN interns sitting way in the basement of their facilities locked in a giant room keeping track of how many times Chad Henne completes a checkdown? Have you read some of the facts they throw up on the screen sometimes? They might as well just get to the point and say “Peyton Manning is a good QB” instead. I don’t know or care that Peyton has feet that move at 34mph when he does his little pocket dances.
Elias Sports Bureau comes up with a lot of the really obscure wacky ones.
They do a daily piece called “Elias Says” on ESPN where they discuss pointless stats from the previous night’s games. The obscurity and pointlessness of it is what makes it entertaining for me.
Same for me.
I’ve always been a math geek, and I’ve always dreamed about getting a job with Elias.
It makes some of the players feel good, because when you get specific (read irrelevant) enough, each and ever player has the record for something… :p
Why does Brady have a duckface?
Because Tom Brady is too fabulous for you
Beats hell out of his actual ident pics. They’re getting creepier every year. At least Incognito’s just look vacant – there is a knowing, Dexter/Sylar/Smiler-like darkness behind Brady’s.
Brady’s make up is SUPER SEXY
I thought the first frame was of a vampire for a few seconds.
it’s not?
Dammit Dave, it’s already hard enough to tell Tom from Gisele, now you go putting makeup on him!
Tom just finished up at the Clinique counter at Macy’s.
That looks like the Serious Fun guy from commercials for fantasy football last year. I miss that guy.
We all do, Luke. We all do.
As a Pats fan, this is pretty much an accurate depiction of Brady. While a great QB he may be, a woman he is not and that’s what it seems he thinks he is.
This actually is one thing most Germans know about US sports – the ubiquity of absolutely useless stats (“No QB whose last name starts with K has ever won in december in a dome when it is below 20 degrees”). Funny – but absolutely useless
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