The Years Of Training Pay Off
According to the NFL, masks will be required at all football games this season!
Good! Masks are vital to the current climate and wait a fucking minute the NFL still planning on letting fans attend games this year?
Some states have officially already banned fan attendance in stadiums (New Jersey especially, insert Jersey Giants/Jets joke here), but apparently that isn’t the case overall? I know the NFL wants that money but…uh…really? This late in the game they are still being this dumb? The sport itself isn’t even safe enough to play without significant risk and they still want to let fans come to games as long as they wear a mask?
What’s extra gross is that anyone who has been to a football game (or any large scale sporting event) knows that enforcing this mask rule would be complete folly. They might be able to enforce it at the entrance gate, but once the people are in the stadium? No chance. Is security going to spend the entire game pointing out people without a mask? Will they kick anyone out? How will concession stands work? This is a complete joke of a restriction because it requires everyone to be on board with masks and their effectiveness, and our country is full of Uncle Kevins and Aunt Karens who think masks are reducing their oxygen intake (they aren’t) or a liberal conspiracy to infect you further (they absolutely aren’t).
Smart people will have enough brains to stay away from any sporting events till we get through this, but that just means the stands will be full of mostly the idiots who refuse to acknowledge what is happening. In this case we can’t just let them infect each other though, because those are still human lives at risk and they could carry home the disease to people less immune to it. People shouldn’t have to die of a preventable disease because Uncle Kevin just had to see his Bengals play the Ravens.
If we get the vaccine out, it works, and we get things under control by the later season games, then maybe this can work. Right now, under current situations, we shouldn’t even have a season let alone let fans go, masks or not.
Have a great weekend! Washington Football Team and Seattle Kraken comics should be on the docket for next week now.
Vaccine’s efficacy will depend on its availability and you know as well as I do this administration ain’t giving it out for free
I feel that Washington The Footballers would be more appropriate. Certiainly abbreviationally so.
Seriously, WTF…..
what local craft brewery makes “more beer”
You don’t know some of the stupid names microbreweries come up with for their products. It’s like they want to go out of business so they can brag about it or something. I wouldn’t be surprised if “More Beer” was an actual product.
It’s not really what you were getting at, but there’s a brewery in Villa Park, IL named More Brewing, so…close enough I guess…
I have what I think is a winner. I’d like to sell a lighter looking beer, but only sell it in small buckets and call it Pail Ale. There could be a little spigot at the bottom like those tiny wannabe kegs have.
I’ve had a beer called “I miss the old Kanye” before, so it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if there is one.
Yeah… I just don’t trust that teams that allow fans will have those fans follow protocol. Here’s what a similar ‘masks required’ NASCAR race looked like;×600/
For fun, try and count how many are properly wearing one.
I count two.
In fact, most people aren’t even improperly wearing one in that photo.
i think i can make out three properly wearing masks (the third is tough to confirm)
there are at least three wearing masks as chin straps, and another with a mask hanging off one ear
no other masks in sight
So, yeah, The Football Team of Washington DC…….ok. I mean it’s temporary but it actually might be a good overall fit for them since the bland name may help people forget that they’ve been a total dumpster fire of an organization.
I totally missed the announcement on the Kraken. I love it. I’m a huge hockey fan and I’m on board with this. Great unis, logo, and name IMO. It stands out.
Also, as a Saints (or Aints) fan, I am also prepared for this moment. I’ve even worn the bag when watching games in my living room when no one else is around. Lions fans, you have my sympathy.
The city of Philadelphia issued an ‘Events Moratorium’ banning indoor events of 25 or more people, and outdoor events of 50 or more people. They then hastily walked that back saying that NFL games were private enterprises that they have no authority over, and that the ‘Events Moratorium’ only applied to things that you need a city permit for.
I love football (elsewise I wouldn’t be commenting on a football webcomic), but local governments need to stop rolling over for the NFL. It’s getting to the point where not only is it not in any of our best interests, but it’s become embarrassing in its unseemliness.
It’s basically a soccer team name, like Washington F.C. Also, Dave, Do you have team talk about the greatest sport in the world, Aussie Rules Football?
Amazing grammar skills right there. Dave, do you have time to talk about the greatest sport in the world, Aussie Rules Football?
Not related to this comic but one of Patrick Mahomes linemen, Laurent Duvernay Tadrif, just announced he’ll opt out of the season to concentrate on being a Dr. (Well actually an orderly as he’s not finished his education quite yet). Anyways, good story!
I laughed out loud when I saw 7-and-9. Poor Lions fans, 2020 probably just feels like a normal year to them.
I won’t speak to speed with which a vaccine will be developed since we’re in unprecedented territory as far as funding and urgency go. However, even if a vaccine is approved by late season, it’s doubtful that production of both the vaccine and supplies needed to utilize it will be speedy enough to widely diseminate it. In addition, the major candidates at this time require two or three shots, a month apart each, so it won’t be a fast proces. Which is to say that the NFL’s idea is bad no matter what.
there are steps of the vaccine research, testing, and production process that cannot be compressed no matter how much money you throw at it
spring is about the best we can hope for