Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles, winner of Super Bowl LIX, or as I like to call it, Super Bowl Licks.
Well, I was right that the Eagles would win, but I was wrong about how. My guess was that the Chiefs would mostly keep the Eagles offense bottled up, holding Saquon down for the most part, forcing Hurts to throw it. I expected both teams to sort of slug it out for a while, but that the Eagles superior offense and stout defense would allow them to slowly pull away and the Chiefs simply wouldn’t be able to keep up. If you showed me the final score of 40-22, I’d guess I was completely correct in my guess. I wasn’t even wrong about the Chiefs bottling up Saquon, who had his most irrelevant game of the year. What I was wrong about, what I should have better anticipated, was the Eagles defense. The Eagles defense was great all year, but it wasn’t as if the Packers, or Rams, or Commanders didn’t put up some drives and performances. The Chiefs…did not.
That was a wholesale ass whuppin the likes of which we haven’t seen since Seattle/Denver. That was far worse than the previous Chiefs SB blowout to Tampa, where Mahomes played the game of his life only to have his team fail around him. This was an obliteration by the Chiefs offense the likes of which I don’t think we’ve ever seen during the Mahomes era. It took them to the 3rd quarter to even cross midfield. The Eagles defense simply destroyed the Chiefs in a way we have never seen happen. I wish I didn’t hate the Eagles so I could have enjoyed it more. Most of America got the catharsis they wanted last night.
As it is, I still enjoyed it.
After the Cooper DeJean pick-6 to put the Eagles up 17-0, I knew this one was over. Yes, the Chiefs are known for comebacks. Yes, even in the Super Bowl. Yes, the Eagles are prone to messing up with weird decisions at times to let teams back in the game. But this game felt different. The difference was that defensive line. Mahomes was under extreme pressure all game and he just didn’t seem to have the juice that he once was famous for. When the defense gets such exceptional pressure with just a basic front 4, letting everyone else work coverage, you’re fucked. That’s how the Giants beat Brady in SB42, and that’s how the Eagles won. It was clear from the earliest drives of the game the Chiefs could not stop the Eagles d-line. Mahomes made bad decisions and saw ghosts. The game immediately became one-dimensional, forcing Mahomes to keep throwing, and the situation only worsened. They had to figure out a counterattack, and they couldn’t. It didn’t help that Kelce played like an old fart who dropped 2 third downs and Nuk did jack shit. It was like the Chiefs simply anticipated that Mahomes magic would win out, but Mahomes was busy getting his ass kicked.
24-0 at halftime. By that point, I had already mentally become at peace with the now obvious outcome so I decided to settle in and just enjoy watching the Kansas City Chiefs get exposed for the frauds they always were. I wanted to put them in the fraud category all year. I almost did. I got sick of irritating Chiefs fans being snobbish about it all year. “HOW COULD THEY BE SUSPICIOUS THEY ONLY LOST 1 GAME DEFENDING CHAMPS BLAH BLAH BLAH” Fuck off. They scored 30 points one time all year. Mahomes became a check-down merchant. They won multiple games through fucking wild witchcraft bullshit, like a field goal that doinked in or the Raiders falling apart on their big chance. The defense was trustworthy, the offense was not. They were like a more competent version of the 2022 Vikings. They held onto the illusion as long as they could, and it failed in the final stretch. The game will go down as 40-22. The game actually felt like 40-0.
I’m glad we didn’t get much refball. It started badly for the refs, who made about 5 straight questionable calls that were mild penalties at worst, and it mostly hurt the Chiefs more. But that was it. The refs became invisible after the game got out of hand and no call was egregious, just some ticky-tack stuff that would have been better left alone. I am so sick of the “NFL IS RIGGED” shit so I’m glad we had a game that pretty much made it all irrelevant. By the way, if you are interested, Legal Eagle made a pretty good YouTube about the sorts of arguments the conspirators use. I’ve seen the “THE NFL IS LEGALLY CLASSIFIED AS SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT JUST LIKE WWE” argument thrown around by the conspiracy crowd, so it was nice to see an actual lawyer explain why those idiots are wrong because they don’t know how to interpret legalese.
This was the first time, maybe in my whole life, that I was more excited for a halftime show than the game. Kendrick delivered. I’m not even a rap fan or anything, I’m just a casual who got sucked in by the musical beef of the century like every other lame white boy my age because hating on Drake is fun. I loved the performance, it had the right amount of spectacle without losing focus. A lot of it felt like a fancy music video. Also lmao at Serena Williams showing up to crip walk. I an unfathomably white, but now even I want to walk into Subway and yell MUSTARRRRRRRD at the wage slave making my sandwich when he asks what sauce I want on my sub. This would not make me less white, to be honest. It took me the entire performance to get the joke of him wearing a lowercase A on his chain. (a minor)
Was that a good Super Bowl? No. It was a pretty disappointing end to get such a non-competitive bulldozing. But at least we all got to relish the spectacle of the Chiefs’ stepping on the landmine they had coyly dodged all year. Also Tom Brady went on a rant about how losing the Super Bowl haunts you. I’m so glad Super Bowl 42 will haunt him until he dies.
None of the commercials were good. We are so long past the era of Super Bowl commercials mattering. That era is simply done.
Also here’s a thing I made when Josh Allen won MVP. Not making a comic about it, but here ya go.