Man, those east coast games were something, weren’t they? If you don’t like snow football, we can’t be friends.
Man, those east coast games were something, weren’t they? If you don’t like snow football, we can’t be friends.
Well then, that was interesting. So finally, the two guys who enjoy pee pee and doo doo are no longer on my most hated rival team. Both were big reasons why I hated the Eagles as much as I did.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh man. Oh maaaaan. God bless you, Jameis Winston, you goddamn weirdo. If you haven’t seen this yet, I feel an honor in being the person to link you to to Jameis’ bizarre as all hell pre-game speech. Just…soak it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
DJax what are you doing I mean, YIKES. Big yikes. Out of stupid things players have said over the past year while going crazy from Covid and protesting, quoting Hitler Was Right propaganda might be the dumbest. What the fuck,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…